Colonel of The Regiment’s ‘Town Hall’ Meeting – Monday the 15th of July 2024

The Colonel of the Regiment, Brig Nick Cowley OBE, will be holding a ‘Town Hall’ meeting via Zoom on 15 July at 1700 which is open to all QRH serving and retired officers and soldiers The aim is:

  • The Colonel to introduce himself to everyone.
  • Update members on the Army and Regiment.
  • Update on what he hopes to achieve as the Colonel.
  • Update on upcoming dates for Remembrance, Cav Mem and OCA.
  • Encourage members to reach out to people not formally in our network and to get them back in.
  • Introduce members to the QRH Professions Network that will launch later this summer.
  • Q&A session from members.

Overall, the plan is for the Colonel to speak for 20 minutes and then to offer 20 mins for questions.

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Cavalry Memorial Parade 2024

There was an excellent turnout for the 100th Cavalry Memorial Parade 2024 held in Hyde Park on Sunday 12th May 2024. Both the serving Regiment and the Association were well represented with almost 100 on parade. The Regimental Guidon Party led our marching contingent and the regimental song was sung loud and proud as we passed the saluting dais and our Colonel-in-Chief who is also C-in-C of the RDG, this year’s lead regiment.

Approximately 130 members and guests then lunched in the Lansdowne Club where we were extremely well looked after as usual.

The Regiment is lead next year and I would encourage as many of you as possible to come along and swell our ranks on parade and let’s show the other associations how it’s done!

Update on HM Forces Veterans’ Cards

We receive quite a lot of enquiries about Veterans’ Cards and are aware that our members are keen to hear about advancements in this area.

The latest news is that work is underway to develop the digital verification system required to begin the second phase of the card rollout (to those who left the Armed Forces prior to December 2018).

The Office for Veterans Affairs (OVA) has led this work through the prototype stage, and it has now passed to the MOD for development and roll-out.

The Government will begin issuing cards by the end of this year and will be engaging with veterans over the coming months to participate in the Beta testing phase.

For future updates please visit GOV.UK where the latest news on progress will be shared.

70th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice

I was very privileged to represent the Regimental Association at a memorial event in Horse Guards Parade on the 27th of July 2023 to mark the 70th Anniversary of the signing of the Korean War Armistice.

Major Tom Dudley also attended the event representing the Commanding Officer and all serving ranks. Also in attendance in a personal capacity were Capt (Retd) Barry De Morgan, Capt (Retd) James Hirst, Capt (Retd) Mark Coldrey with his mother Victoria Coldrey and his wife Caroline Coldrey.

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